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This Help page has been opened in a new tab of your browser. This should make it easy to switch from this tab to the book tab and back, allowing you to refer to this help page while navigating the book. When you are done with the help page, just close it in your browser in the usual fashion.

Navigating the New Website

A page in this website is similar to a page of a book: it contains content in the form of text, pictures, and so forth, just as all other Web pages you view in your browser while scouring the Web. Pages are organized into chapters, sections, and subsections that can be accessed from dropdown menus in the menu bar. So here's how it works:

We are confident that if you just play around with the menu links, thinking of the structure of the site as a book, you will soon cotton up to it.

Corrections and Suggestions

Finally, in spite of the fact that we have not made a mistake hitherto, and that everything posted herein is true, mostly, you might think you have found something when reading through the site that bears review. You are welcome to send any such information to the webmaster, whose email address and phone number you will find in the "Governance" chapter of the website.

Unfasten your mindbelts and enjoy the ride.