Teams of volunteers from among our residents must occasionally be formed to keep our neighborhood running smoothly. Whether it is dealing with noxious weeds, repainting the subdivision signs, creating a website, or reviewing the covenants, there are always opportunities and issues to take on.
Currently active teams are listed next.
Website Team
The website team is charged with the design, implementation, and maintenance of the subdivision website. Right now, webmaster Rocky Ross is the team of one, but of course he needs help from everyone else to keep the information on the website current. Comments, concerns, suggestions, news snippets, images, video clips, and other items of interest to the subdivision at large can be directed to Rocky at:
Rocky Ross
rockyjross @ gmail . com
Architectural Design Review Team
Our covenants specify the situations in which planned, externally visible new or remodel work on our properties requires a review by the Design Review Team. It is important to note that review by this team is not only required by our covenants, but that it is also a good idea, in that the team can provide helpful information prior to work being done. Keeping our subdivision looking its best helps us be good neighbors and ensures that our property values are protected.
To schedule an architectural design review, contact the following members of the team:
Larry Carruci
lamaca @ montana . edu
Ryan Rucker
ryan @ tenfingerswoodworks . com