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Wheatland Hills

Property Records

Legal Descriptions of Property in Wheatland Hills

To find the legal description of a property in Wheatland Hills, do the following:

  1. Click here. (This will open a new tab in your browser; to finish following the directions, just return to the tab on this page and switch between tabs as necessary.)
  2. In the page that appears, click on "Search" in the left column
  3. A second, new column appears. In that column:
    1. Click on "Search by Subdivision" near the bottom.
    2. Select a county (Gallatin).
    3. Select a subdivision (Wheatland Hills 1).
    4. Click on "Search".
A list of owner names shows up. You can click on any name (including yours) to get the full legal description of the associated property. Note that the owner names are just that: the names of the legal owners of the property. Those may be different than the names of the residents inhabiting the property, although in most cases the owners and the residents will be the same. This list lets you get acquainted with the names of your neighbors.

You will possibly have noticed as you were following the directions above that you can also search for the legal records of any property in Montana. You may also have recognized that there are multiple ways of searching for a property (in the second column that appears in step 2 above): by owner, by geocode, by assessment, by certificate of survey, by address, and by subdivision. These public records can be of great help in various situations.