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Wheatland Hills

Wheatland Hills Bylaws

Current Bylaws

Click on the link below to obtain the current Bylaws.

The takeaway from the dates of the Bylaws (1975) and the simple amendments made to those Bylaws (1986) is that it is well past time to update the Bylaws.

2009 Proposed Amended Bylaws

There have been attempts to update and amend the Bylaws, most recently in 2009. At that time a concerted and laborious effort was undertaken by a committee of residents and Board members to refresh the Bylaws. The resulting document can be accessed through the link below:

What happened? The Bylaws in effect require that a formal meeting of Wheatland Hills HOA members be called to hold a vote on any amendments to the Bylaws. Furthermore, at such a meeting a quorum—enough members either in person or by proxy representing at least 50% of the lots in Wheatland Hills— would need to be present in order to even take a vote on the proposed amended Bylaws. Attendance at the annual HOA meetings has never been close to achieving a quorum as far back as anyone can remember, so the proposed amended Bylaws have languished.

2018 Proposed Amended Bylaws

In order to move our bylaws into the 21st century and proceed with a seriously needed overhaul of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors is planning to introduce a different proposed amendment to the Bylaws that should eliminate the problems encountered with the requirement that a quorum of subdivision members be present in person (or by proxy) at a formally called meeting in order for a vote to be held on changing the Bylaws. You can follow the action on this initiative at this link:

Unclear About the Differences Between Covenants and Bylaws?

To find information about what covenants and bylaws are and how they differ from each other visit the following page on our website: