Proposed Change to Bylaws to Admit Electronic Communications and Voting Options
A proposal will be advanced by the Wheatland Hills Homeowners Association (WHHOA) Board of Directors to amend the WHHOA Bylaws to include options for electronic communications and voting. This pending proposal was also announced in the annual assessment letter mailed to all homeowners in December of 2017. To help prepare for implementation of this possible amendment the assessment letter mailing also included a sheet to be returned by residents that specify an email address and a mobile phone texting number that would be associated with the lot being assessed by which electronic communications and voting could be accomplished. This section of the website will contain information, progress, and updates on the proposed amendment.
Status of Current Bylaws
In brief, the Bylaws currently in effect (from 1975 with a few 1986 amendments) prescribe that all formal business with respect to the Bylaws (including amending the Bylaws) must be communicated by US mail (aka snail mail), and all voting must be done in formally-called, in-person meetings at which a quorum is present (which never happens at our annual meetings). The objective of the proposed amendment is to bring the bylaws into the 21st century by allowing subdivision communications and voting to also be done electronically. It is important to note that electronic communication and voting would extend the stipulations of the bylaws, not replace them. That is, paper mailings and in-person meeting voting options would still remain, to be used, for example, by those who have no means for electronic communication.
Objectives of the Proposed Bylaws Amendment
The objectives are simple.
- Make it possible to accomplish Wheatland Hills HOA business that now is virtually impossible to move forward because of outdated Bylaws
- Enable all HOA members to have input on HOA business whether at a meeting or not
- Signifcantly reduce the time, cost, paper resources, and effort of accomplishg the communication and voting issues involved in carrying out HOA business
This process will move forward with input from any member who would like to contribute.
Keeping Up
This page of the website will be uesed to record the progress of the to-be-proposed amendment to the Bylaws. The discussion above represents just a brief overview. New information and links to relevant documents on the topic will be posted below.